29 November 2008

Content Approval

Vipor asked today in the shout box why video approval was enabled on the site. I'm then led to believe he made a video about it. I haven't seen that but I appreciate him raising the subject.

Content approval WILL be in force on MoarVideo.com when launched. However, trusted users, users that are known to us or are long term sensible contributors, will have auto-approval on their accounts.

VIP members will receive priority in terms of speed for having their content approved but they too will have to go through the review process unless they meet the auto-approval requirements.

We may turn content approval off in the future on the MoarVideo.com site but when we initially go live, that feature will be in use. As the MoarVideo.com website will have staff and admins on site 24/7, there should be no silly delays in approving content.

Copyrighted material must not be uploaded to our future website but when a user uploads content they will be declaring that they have permission to do so or are the copyright holder. If we received DMCA complaints they well be dealt accordingly following DMCA guidelines. Repeat offenders will have their accounts deleted. We will have a DMCA agent/expert that will deal with such complaints. Admin will primarily be looking to prevent porn and other explicity material from going live on the site.

Every user who uploads content not suitable for minors e.g. foul and abusive language, language of a sexual nature etc, will be required to mark their videos 18+. This is so that those videos do not appear when a user chooses to turn on the family filter. Even if your video is just yourself using the 'F' word only once, we will require that such content is marked 18+.

Marking a video 18+ will not be seen as a bad thing like on other sites, we just want a solid indicator that some languge or content may be unsuitable, not just for kids, but also for adults who may be in the company of others.

Videos marked 18+ will still show up across the site as normal - they just wont show when the family filter is turned on. This may not be the case at launch but this will certainly be in force not long after, if not during the BETA stages.

On the current MoarVideo.tv project site we do have a content approval feature. From time to time we use this feature. We also make the site available to members only (logged in users) at various times. We do this for precautionary measures. For example if we believe someone is lurking/browsing the site using a sock account with malicious intent, then we may switch content approval on.

Decisions are often made that ordinary users do not understand but you have to remember that decisions are ALWAYS made for the benefit of the whole site and every single sensible user on it. Sometimes we will be unable to explain or comment publicly on decisions, when that happens we ask you to trust us.

To compare our project site with other sites would be foolish. We could have quite easily thrown something up in no time but we want to provide a very safe, robust and sensible environment for people who deserve it, you, our members.

The very reason I started the project site was to learn, to obtain feedback and to update people who want to be a part of something very special. To dive straight in at the deep end wouldn't be very professional. Obtaining input from the actual users before launch enables me to give them what they want and not what I assume they want.

Please feel free to post a comment on here or discuss the topic with me and other users HERE.

28 November 2008

New Competition

Upload a video telling MoarVideo who your favourite cartoon character is and why and you will be entered into a draw to have your portrait turned into a hand-drawn cartoon like this one (but better looking!).

The winner will then be able to use their cartoon image as their avatar on MoarVideo and other sites. You can even use it on MSN, Skype etc!

We will enter all the names into a draw and pick the winner at random. A video of us doing this will and announcing the winner will be uploaded to MoarVideo on Monday!

Get recording!

Discuss this item here.

Fake accounts, Sock accounts etc

When MoarVideo.com launches we will have numerous tools available to admin to detect and trace people who just want to be disruptive. Every action on the site will record the user's IP address. If they are using a proxy to access the site with the intent of faking their IP address, they will be immediately suspended.

Although these features are not currently in place on MoarVideo.tv (our project site), we are able to track the movements of every user. If you have nothing to hide and you are using the site with good, honest intent, you have no reason to be concerned.

Every log-in to the site is recorded. This means we can detect when someone has more than one account in use. At the moment there are several users using more than one account without making it known to us as to why. We have no objection to a user having more than one account providing it is not to troll others or to be disruptive.

We are monitoring several sock accounts that are not providing content i.e. videos, photos, blog or forum entries.

A sock account to us is someone who wants to use their channel purely to be disruptive or to try and mislead others including the admin. A sock account isn't someone who just wants to watch videos or lurk, providing they contribute with comments etc. We will be far stricter when MoarVideo.com launches but for now we are watching.

We're telling you this because we want our genuine, honest users to know that we take the disruption of the site seriously. And in the future, if anyone over steps the line, for example if someone threatens another user, then we will not hesitate to provide all the information we have on record for that user to the authorities.

Individual channel users will NOT be allowed to run anything on their channels to collect IP addresses, something which is common place on LiveVideo. The privacy of our users is taken seriously and we will do all we can to protect them.

If you are sent a link by someone you do not know be sure that it is a genuine link and that they are not trying to obtain your IP address. Your IP address gives away your location and people with bad intent could try to access your computer.

At the end of the day, if you are using MoarVideo for entertainment and you have nothing to hide in terms of misleading others or causing disruption, you have nothing to worry about.

Current admins on the MoarVideo.tv website can NOT see your IP address, only MoarVideo staff in our office can see this information.

We monitor every movement on the site and when we identify sock accounts we are compiling information on them for the security of the MoarVideo website and our users.

Those who wish to cause disruption do not concern us but we want to show our genuine users that we do care and that we are always on the site, even when it appears that we may not be.

Please note that we cannot trace your activity around the internet. We can only see what you are doing on MoarVideo and that is all that concerns us.

Discuss this item on the MV Project Site HERE!

27 November 2008

Approved Various Sections

Today I approved the designs/layouts for:
  • VIDEOS page
  • CHANNELS page
I have asked for changes to:
  • BLOGS - 'Video Blogs' suggested removal of country flag and country name. 'Video Blogs' to be renamed 'Vlogs'. 'Web Blogs' to be renamed 'Blogs'. Channel user's photo/icon to be used where possible on main pages i.e. VIDEOS, CHANNELS, BLOGS. A still of the channel user's latest video will be present on all pages other than 'BLOGS' which will have just the channel user's photo and the title of their last blog entry.

25 November 2008

U.S. Connectivity

Some U.S. connections are finding the site down today. As a result. those of you who can access the site, may find the 'Chat' feature on the project site broken. This minor problem will resolve itself in due course.

Blogs vs Forums

Featured blogs currently appear on the front page to try and encourage people to use the forums for their brief discussions instead. If you look at the front page you will also see that the forums are now above the blogs for the same reason.

Over the last few weeks we have noticed a trend amongst users to post one-off questions in their blog sections because they were appearing in a prominent position on the front page of the project site. Those sort of posts are more appropriate for the discussion forums. They still appear on the front page but it makes for better interaction.

A New Look At Moar

Today we can show you some new pages that have been designed for the MoarVideo.com website.

These pages have not been approved as yet, it is just to give you an idea as to the design and where we're currently at.