28 November 2008

Fake accounts, Sock accounts etc

When MoarVideo.com launches we will have numerous tools available to admin to detect and trace people who just want to be disruptive. Every action on the site will record the user's IP address. If they are using a proxy to access the site with the intent of faking their IP address, they will be immediately suspended.

Although these features are not currently in place on MoarVideo.tv (our project site), we are able to track the movements of every user. If you have nothing to hide and you are using the site with good, honest intent, you have no reason to be concerned.

Every log-in to the site is recorded. This means we can detect when someone has more than one account in use. At the moment there are several users using more than one account without making it known to us as to why. We have no objection to a user having more than one account providing it is not to troll others or to be disruptive.

We are monitoring several sock accounts that are not providing content i.e. videos, photos, blog or forum entries.

A sock account to us is someone who wants to use their channel purely to be disruptive or to try and mislead others including the admin. A sock account isn't someone who just wants to watch videos or lurk, providing they contribute with comments etc. We will be far stricter when MoarVideo.com launches but for now we are watching.

We're telling you this because we want our genuine, honest users to know that we take the disruption of the site seriously. And in the future, if anyone over steps the line, for example if someone threatens another user, then we will not hesitate to provide all the information we have on record for that user to the authorities.

Individual channel users will NOT be allowed to run anything on their channels to collect IP addresses, something which is common place on LiveVideo. The privacy of our users is taken seriously and we will do all we can to protect them.

If you are sent a link by someone you do not know be sure that it is a genuine link and that they are not trying to obtain your IP address. Your IP address gives away your location and people with bad intent could try to access your computer.

At the end of the day, if you are using MoarVideo for entertainment and you have nothing to hide in terms of misleading others or causing disruption, you have nothing to worry about.

Current admins on the MoarVideo.tv website can NOT see your IP address, only MoarVideo staff in our office can see this information.

We monitor every movement on the site and when we identify sock accounts we are compiling information on them for the security of the MoarVideo website and our users.

Those who wish to cause disruption do not concern us but we want to show our genuine users that we do care and that we are always on the site, even when it appears that we may not be.

Please note that we cannot trace your activity around the internet. We can only see what you are doing on MoarVideo and that is all that concerns us.

Discuss this item on the MV Project Site HERE!